Where did my WONDERFUL nurser go?????? Henry has turned into a full out cluster feeding baby... and its kind of driving me nuts. It wouldn't be such a big deal if it were only Henry- but what the heck do I do when he's glued to the boob for hours on end and I have a 2 year old begging for my attention??? It's getting rough. This started a few days ago and I was hoping it was just going to be a weird little phase but it's continued on...
Henry's schedule (more or less...) is waking up, nursing *mayyybe* for 10 minutes on one side and then conking out again. I'll try anything and everything to get him to wake up and continue nursing but it's really hopeless. So I lay him down and within 15-20 minutes he's screaming to be fed AGAIN. So back on he goes- he'll nurse for a few minutes and then................ he's OUT. This will go on for a good hour or two. Since I am exclusively breastfeeding, I want to make sure he's getting enough so I nurse him on demand- but WOW my boobs are tired, I'm tired and I've got this adorable 2 year old who desperately wants some mommy time without "baby brovers" attached.
ANY ADVICE PLEASE??????????????????? How do I keep him nursing for 15 minutes AT ONE TIME? How do I keep the chunk awake??? HELP!
Keep nursing him whenever he wants for however long he wants. It's called on demand feeding and it's the best way! It will pass girl, I promise! It's hard though, huh?
okay- so you think he's getting enough? That's what I'm worried about- that he's sleeping too much & only nursing for a few minutes here and there- I've already had to pump out 12 oz. today and its only 2 PM! BUT he's still pooping & peeing... hmmm...
I didn't have that problem much, but my babies from the time I brought them home from the hospital only nursed every 5-6 hours which is NOT normal. However, they gained weight and the docs. weren't concerned. So...I agree, he'll eat (and let you know) when he's hungry. He's probably a little too young still to start a rigid schedule, so I'd just feed him when he wants to eat and don't worry it won't last too long :)!
If you're doing everything possible to keep him awake (get him naked, use a washcloth on him while he's nursing, tickle him) then I wouldn't worry about how long he nurses. Riley nursed for 40minutes (20 on each side) until she was 6 months old. Lincoln nursed for 15 minutes total from the day I had him. Henry may just be an efficient nurser :)! Good luck.
He's getting enough, no worries! Google feeding on demand :) It's crazy but it's the best thing for babies IMO. Love ya! Can't wait to see more pics of the lil dude!
Savannah is doing the same exact thing. I know you are supposed to do 10 on both sides, but she falls asleep after the first one and within an hour she wants the other one. My boobs hurt cuz she might start on one and hardly eat any but I don't want to pump if she is going to want it in 30 minutes or so...I think its a phase though. Once they start eating more at a time. And the nurse told me to put them skin to skin so they aren't all warm and cozy and won't fall asleep as easy. God luck.
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