I LOVE birthdays! Love, love, love them! I know I already talked about plans for this weekend, but I thought for memories sake I'd blog about my half a century birthday :)
Unfortunately, I've caught whatever every other kid/mother has in Jackson county- a sore throat, runny nose and headache... UGH. I thought it was allergies but with all the facebook status updates about sick kiddos and parents, I'm thinking I've got a virus. Maeve also woke up yesterday from her nap with a runny nose- but she seems to be fully recovered today- weird a bad runny nose that lasted for 1 night... Anyways, Ryan knew I wasn't feeling great so he woke up early this morning to do a coffee/breakfast run... the best part about it was that he took Maeve with him, so I got to sleep for an extra 30 minutes or so. When they got back, the two of them joined me in bed for some spongebob & breakfast. It was a really nice start to my day :) After breakfast, Ryan had to get to work and I had to get Maeve ready for a morning with Nana... My mom had gotten me 3 gift certificates for my bday- one to get my hair done (YEA!), another to get a pedi and another for a MOBY WRAP!!! WAHOOO!!! I had a great time at the salon and left feeling half way decent looking... I met my mom, Maeve and my dad for lunch at Darryls (which is usually my fave. place in Jackson to eat, but the service was so terrible today that Darryl- the big guy :) COMPED our entire lunch- but yeah, the service was BAD- I didn't even get my entree- EVER! I ended up coming home and eating a bowl of cereal for lunch...
After lunch, it was naptime and Maeve must've known it was my bday because she slept for a solid 3 hours- it was heaven :)
After nap, the doorbell rang & my grandma had balloons, flowers and candy delivered- what a great surprise! And Maeve was thrilled- she loves visitors of anysort, but especially visitors who bring balloons and candy :)
Ryan got home around 5:30 with flowers in hand (WOW more flowers!: ) And we decided to just do a simple meal at home- I wasn't feeling the greatest and after our 2 hour lunch I didn't want to make Maeve sit in a high chair in a restaurant. Dinner was great, but the best part was the coca cola cake from cracker barrel- AHHHH!! Awesome :)
Overall, it was a terrific day- like I said, I wish I had been feeling better... but I have the best friends & family :) Super blessed... and now I'm looking forward to a weekend of just me, RYAN & MAEVE- cannot wait!!!!!!
1 comment:
yay, have a great weekend!
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