Saturday, October 24, 2009

Gotta Love 'Em...

Dads that is :) Ryan is an amazing dadda. And I am so, so thankful that he truly loves Maeve and LOVES spending time with her. He plays with her every night when he gets home from work while I get dinner ready and I'm pretty sure its the highlight of both of their days. The one quality of Maeve & Ryan's relationship that might need a little work is his disciplining... or lack of. When Ryan is in charge, it's really whatever Maeve wants- which is fine and great, because I DO love that they have this special bond... BUT when I've told Maeve "NO FRUIT SNACKS" a thousand times throughout the day and Ryan walks in the door and opens a pack up for her its kind of frustrating. A few nights ago, I was cooking dinner and Ryan was "in charge." I wasn't really paying attention to what they were doing but I peeked into Maeve's room and there they sat, with about 5 opened packs of fruit snacks in front of them- REALLY??? Right before dinner? And after I've told Maeve no all day long?? No wonder Maeve gets so excited to see Ryan come in the door!

One of my favorite "daddy" moments that I want to keep as a memory forever happened this morning... Ryan got up with Maeve this morning and I got to sleep for an extra 20 minutes or so (which was VERY nice!). When I got out of bed and wandered into the living room, Maeve was sitting at her high chair with a plate full of.... CHEESE and GOLDFISH and.... gulp, A KOOL AID JUICE BOX. I think my eyes bugged out because Ryan (who was stretched out on the couch watching "Dora") said "what's wrong?" I said "Did you seriously give her cheese and gold fish for breakfast??? WHY???" And he replied simply with, "That's what she wanted." I couldn't help but laugh :) A few goldfish and chunks of cheese along with a sugar packed drink won't really hurt her & I know that. And it really made me think of just how special dads are. Sometimes they're just so clueless- but I think that quality is what makes them so much fun for kids. Around here, it really is "anything goes" with dadda. But I wouldn't have it any other way. I love the bond Maeve and Ryan share and I don't think it would be the same if he parented like I did. My favorite times are nights when there is absolutely nothing to do and I can sit back and watch them play, talk and connect.

Thanks for being such a great dadda Ryan!!!


Jessica Perry said...

Awww, what a sweet post. I LOVE that he gave her cheese and goldfish for breakfast! That is too funny and so cute!

Becky said...

i loved this post because its SO true! :) I love the bond that Nate shares with Kerith..and I LOVE just watching them interact together :)

Mallory said...

cute :)

Sarah said...

Duane is the same way. It MUST be a dad thing.

Sarah Ely said...

This post really made me think. Ryan is the same way with Tessa, maybe I need to just enjoy the bond they have instead of getting mad with junk for breakfast or when dinner is being made. Thanks for opening my eyes!