Monday, May 4, 2009

"Wow, That's a Lot of Lettuce."

I'm not really sure what has been going on with me- I thought I was getting a cold or a flu or something over the weekend... Friday morning I woke up with a sore throat; Saturday morning I woke up with a sore throat, slight fever, the chills, etc. OH yeah- PLUS morning sickness. :( I pretty much took advantage of Ryan being home on Saturday and wallowed in self pity in bed... complaining about how its bad enough to have morning sickness, but to have the flu on top of it- well that's just cruel! I was supposed to go to the Rose Pageant with Angela that night, so all day long I was trying to will myself to drink and drink and drink... if I couldn't eat anything, at LEAST I'd be well hydrated. Right before the pageant I started to feel super dizzy- "duh" I thought, I haven't eaten anything all day! Subway sounded the least disgusting... so I got a veggie sub- loading up on all those yummy veggies! I thought it had settled okay, because I really was feeling better at the pageant. Later at home though I started feeling suuuuuuuper queasy. Deciding that I always feel better after I take a shower, I hopped in at midnight (waking Ryan up...). As SOON as I got out of the shower, I lost it. This is about my 1000th time puking, but normally I don't get sick at night- so Ryan was there to witness it this time. To show his support he came up behind me and was kind of rubbing my back- it was nice... but then he said "WOW. That's a lot of lettuce." I just started cracking up- and of course, cracking up/puking is not a good combo. Without getting into the nitty gritty, it was quite the scene. Anyways, that's a line that will go down in the baby book. Oh- and I'm not sure I can ever eat Subway lettuce again.


The Paulk's said...

That's pretty nasty :)! I'm going to put this out there that I bet you're having a girl. You can thank me later for letting you know ahead of time ;)! Hope you start feeling better soon! Believe me, I know exactly what you're going through!

k and j said...


Unknown said...

yea girl! :) That's what I'm hoping for Shelby! just cause I'm having the baby the same season as Maeve- so it would be financially MUCH easier! NO NEW CLOTHES!

Becky said...

lol! gross! :) I really hope you start feeling better soon!!