Tuesday, February 10, 2009

I Can't Watch...

Okay... I just blogged like 2 hours ago, and note in that post me saying it was bedtime at 9.... fast forward to 11:30................ ahem and yes, I am still awake. Why??? I torture myself by watching the news... I seriously cannot watch it anymore. Its too depressing and it gives me horrific anxiety. Tonight, specifically I watched Caylee Anthony's memorial service. Oh my DEAR LORD. That poor family- I am sick for them. I can't imagine- I can't imagine being those grandparents, I can't imagine hurting your child, I JUST CAN'T IMAGINE. I mean, the whole thing is so horrible that its hard for me to even grasp that Casey Anthony really did it. I know she did. It's completely obvious... but I would love it if some nasty man came forward saying he did it- because the thought that a mother could do that to her child is just too much for me. As sick as it is when any child is taken too early, to think that it was at the hands of her own mother is unfathomable. Y'all know my anxiety issues- I tend to latch onto things... LIKE THIS, and can't let go. I have a hard time sleeping, letting Maeve out of my sight (at the moment she's laying next to me :).

Anyways, we were just in Orlando last weekend and the whole town is a buzz with the case... in every gas station there are fliers, bracelets, etc. branding sweet Caylees face. So it was really intense down there too. Anyways, since my blog is like therapy to me, I thought I'd express how and what I'm feeling at the moment...

UGH....... I really need to TRY and sleep even though nightmares await.....

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