Monday, June 9, 2008

Taco or Hotdog?

A side view of Maeve
EEK! My bulging belly. (haha I thought it was huge then)
Baby girls foot :)

May, 2007

May was a big month for us. It marked the 5th month of my pregnancy... which meant we could find out if we were going to be shopping for a prince or a princess. Now, the point of this blog, to me, is to honestly share my world, my thoughts, my feelings with all of you readers, so I am going to be brutally honest when I say that I WANTED A GIRL. I never would have admitted that at the time, but good GOD did I want a girl. I wanted to paint her room pink, I wanted pink bedding, I wanted bows, tights, patent Mary Jane shoes in a size 1. I wanted dresses, bikinis, ballet slippers, whatever it was- if it was uber girly, you name it, I wanted it. My ultrasound was scheduled for May 30th... and it couldn't have come soon enough! I was taking all of those internet quizzes that supposedly tell you what sex you're having, I tried the old wives tales like dangling my wedding ring over my belly and all that other goofy stuff that holds no credibility to finding out what you're having.
The morning of the ultrasound came and I don't think I had slept a wink that night. I was too darn nervous. I downed about 20 liters of water (or it seemed that I did) and waddled my way into the doctors office. I had quite the audience with me that day- my husband, my mom and my 2 sisters. We all sat quietly and nervously as Dana (the tech) searched for the "parts." Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, she said its a girl! I CRIED. FLAT OUT BAWLED. And so did Ryan, my mom and sisters. Dana told us she had never seen a reaction like ours before! I had her double check the sex because I thought this was too good be true. After she had me convinced it was a girl I left the office and headed straight for the mall (I SWEAR- ask Ryan) I went to Gymboree and Gap and bought up all the girl things that I had been so longingly looking at just the day before. It was such an exhilarating day and one that I will never, EVER forget :)

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