Friday, February 3, 2012

love letters.

A few weeks ago I picked up two of these cute little mailboxes in the dollar spot at Target.  My plan was, starting Feb. 1st, to leave a love note and a little treat in their mailboxes each morning.  Well Feb. 1st started on Wednesday- the day after I spent the night in the ER.  Needless to say, I totally blew it on remembering to write them a note and leaving a treat. whoops.

So we started today.  The kids were curious- Henry oblivious to the note.  But he loved the candy.  Maeve was more into the note- isn't that so like boys vs. girls?  It wouldn't surprise me if by Valentines day, Maeve was hoarding all the love notes, and giving her candy to Henry. 

Have I mentioned how much I love Valentines Day? :)

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