Friday, January 21, 2011

We're Over the Weather.

It's about a whopping 8 degrees out today.  And yeah, I'm going to complain about it.

It's too cold to go anywhere or do anything.  This cold makes your cheeks hurt, and your lips dry out like prunes. 

Unfortunately, we had some errands to run today and it was impossible for us to hibernate (for the day) in our house.

I ended up going to the East side McDonalds- it was my first time there, and I was a little sad that the ONLY play place we have in Jackson, is that one.  Maeve had an okay time, but it had ZERO for Henry.  However, it was warm, and it was a large area, so I took advantage.  We all ate a healthy lunch of chicken nuggets and fries.  I followed up said healthy lunch with a decaf... and I let the kids run wild.  I am pretty sure Maeve was chucking chicken nuggets down the slide and we had a major sprite spill, thanks to Henry's obsession with straws and lids.  All in all, it got some much needed energy out. 

The rest of our day has consisted of eating, movie watching, cleaning, ya know, all that good stuff.

Here are some pictures from this ridiculously cold day.

One of the highlights of the day, was hearing Maeve go "HOOOO HOOOO!"  I asked her what she was doing (perched on the back of her high chair, making weird noises)... she said "I'm an owl."  :)


She also likes to play "Little Mermaid" on our ottoman.  She crosses her feet into "flippers" and brushes her hair with a fork...

HAAA the story of my life in this picture :)  Cheez-its & toys.

Henry and his fascniation with water...

And... I think that's about all for today.  I am craving Finley's like no other, but I'm not stepping foot out of this house.  It's pretty pathetic, that on a regular basis, the weather up here controls simple things like going to the store or out for dinner...

***Oh yeah- can any of you awesome photog bloggers out there help me with my resolution problem????  On photoshop, my pics are clear as day- as soon as I load them on blogger, they get grainy... what's the deal??? help?? 

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Jessy Schoch said...

I was going to comment on Maeve's super long hair on facebook, but got pulled away by Max before I could!! It's crazy long and completely beautiful!!

Allison said...

Her hair is so pretty!

also, there is a McDonalds with a play place in Brooklyn. May be a little bit of a hike for you but thought I'd let you know it's there:)

Stay warm!! I've had my heat up much higher than usual the last few days and it's been wonderful. probably not so much when the bill comes though...

Miranda said...

I wonder if the grainy pics has something to do with their size...I really don't know for sure, but it's worth a try to try resizing it...

Jodie said...

Its a toasty 6 degrees here today. I'm about to go warm up my car for about an hr before I get in! Love your daughters hair, she is a beauty! My daughter has the same hair. I won't ever let her cut it!

k and j said...

she is so cute!! henry too. crazy how long her hair is ahh!