Saturday, July 24, 2010

Bucket List. Don't Have One? GET ONE!

I don't (or didn't should say) have a bucket list.

My grandma and I were talking yesterday at the garage sale... she was telling me some items on her bucket list. They were so creative! Some were simple (to me anyway) some made me think... some made me tear up... Anyways, the jist of it is, I want a bucket list. I mean, I think we all have goals, ideas, "stuffs", we want to do... but have you written it down? Are you crossing things off? Getting a step closer to completing your bucket list? Anyhow... I had a ton of fun writing this up. Yes, I physically wrote this- and stored it away for safe keeping. I decided to put it in blog world simply because I have like 8 posts TOTAL for the month of July... and that's sad. Enjoy my bucket list... and make your own... and share :)

-attend the Kokua festival

-have saki

-live on an island

-take a "friend" vacay- just girls- no kids-no hubbies :)

-swim with dolphins

-lay on a hammock by the beach and not have ONE worry on my mind

-go on a major road trip- whole fam.

-get my traigus pierced

-go to Maui for our 10 year anniversary (JUST Ryan and I)

-take all the kids to Maui... just for the heck of it

-take a picture that speaks 1000 words.

-own a pig (a teacup pig)

-get my legs waxed

-learn how to surf- (I've surfed before- but I want to REALLY know how- be super good)

-once I learn how to surf, lay on my surf board and look out across the ocean.

-wear a bikini post kids

-shake Jimmy Buffett's hand

-read and understand the Bible from front to back

-use my photography for good- I want to volunteer with some kind of organization... (thinking of "Now I Lay Me Down To Sleep")

-camp...- like HARDCORE camping! ... yeah, never done it!

-visit every state in the US.

-have a hoard of kids :) (what's a hoard? 4,5,6???)

-kill people with kindness... instead of stooping to their level.

-see marijuana become legalized in my lifetime. (no judging on this one!... lots of political/personal reasons behind this!)

-have a huge garden... and live off it for the summer.

-get another tattoo of somesort...

-own a saltwater fish tank (I see this happening when Ryan and I are retired, old and gray)

-run a few miles- I can't say a marathon because truly I have no desire to do that- but just run- on a daily basis, to feel good.

-breastfeed my babies for a year. (one of 'em ((way in the future of course...))... gotta make it to a YEAR!)

-live on the water... which goes along with the island I guess...

-live a simple life. No phones/internet. Just a CD player with our fave music. My kids running around barefoot, in and out of the ocean.

***this will be updated as ideas come to mind. I have to say, this was interesting for me to write out. For one, I discovered I'm not very adventurous. In fact, my 80 year old grandma is probably more wild than I am...(comparing bucket lists:)... I don't really have the desire to go to other countries- I'm too chicken. And all the amazing things (what I consider amazing) - well gosh, sifting through them, writing them down, I've realized I've lived a darn good life. Seeing a space shuttle launch (actually saw this on the beach in FL-(I actually saw the challenger disaster)- check. Seeing sea turtles out in the wild laying their eggs-check. Getting a tattoo-check. Cruises-check. Going in a cave-check. Acupuncture-check. Deep sea fishing- check. Snorkeling in a volcano-check. Swimming in a real/natural waterfall-check. Falling in deep, forever love- check. Giving birth-check,check. :) You get the idea...

I am so blessed. :)

I'm sure most of you have a bucket list... if you do, I'd love to read it- so post it on your blog- and let me know you've posted it! If you don't have a bucket list... make one. It's a little bit enlightening. :)


Mallory said...

completely love this! it is so cute that your grandma shared hers with you-how sweet. i am always adding to my crazy bucket list.
i must be included in that girls vacation :)
I started in February and am in the process of reading through the whole Bible right now; I think its a great goal... though I'm not sure I totally understand it! I am almost completely through the Old Testament. I WILL finish and probably read it 50 times and still never understand it... I am SO bad at comprehending and finding the meanings. ugh.
cheer up dear friend, you have an amazing, healthy, awesome family, dear friends, and a florida state of mind :) things WILL look up, promise!!

Angie B said...

the ones about the ocean island etc is like me...i love tropical places as i have gone on a lot of cruises as well :)