Saturday, June 14, 2008

Hives, Pox, Viral Rashes, whatever it is, it's HORRIBLE!

One of Maeve's legs...

Her arm :(
Her neck

The side of one of her legs...

Playing the Maracas! With those giant hives on her face... :(

I really have no clue at this point what is all over Maeves body... I do know that she has lost her appetite, isn't sleeping and is fussy as anything. I feel horrible... :( I'm having some KICK BUTT anxiety right now... I probably won't get much sleep tonight...

I think I just freak out because I babysat this kid who had this severe allergy to peanuts and it was scary, scary stuff. I just hope she isn't allergic to anything... or that I exposed her to something bad. Being a mom is so hard sometimes :( Plus my mom is out of town- she has raised 5 kids so she knows it all! I want MY mommy!!! :)

Although I am thinking it is hives now... not the pox. But hives scare me more than chicken pox...

1 comment:

k and j said...

Just try and think of the foods you have given her in the past few days and maybe something she ate caused an allergy and some hives. Are you or Ry allergic to anything?? My man has terrible allergies so I am extra careful with Griff and what he eats but only because I have to be ;) Otherwsie he would be eating all kind of shizz!