- Today was just a FUNKY day. Nothing really clicked. And I'm going to bed feeling blah. You know those days that are just OFF? Today was one of them. Blah.
- Have you ever gone to write a good friend on facebook, just to realize they've de-friended you? Ha. Nice feeling. (that was from awhile ago but it still stings).
- A friends mom died suddenly this week. She's my age (the friend). Perspective in a nutshell right there.
- Our kitten, The Duchess of Fog is seriously the sweetest kitty ever. I'm jealous for you guys that you don't have a duchie of fog.
- BIG stuff coming up. I think I'm ready for most of it.
- We want to come to Michigan this summer but trying to figure out a week that Ryan can take off of work in between all the YL traveling we're doing is turning out to be tough. I'm hoping we can get up there and I can see some familiar faces... perhaps do some photography?
- I'm 6.5 lbs away from my goal weight. HALLELUJAH.
- Did you know once you have a baby (or 4) your hips will forever be too wide to fit in these ridiculous skinny fad jeans that are everywhere? It doesn't matter how little you weigh. Your bones will not allow it. It's frustrating.
- I have a few obsessions that I must share with you: Hello Apparel- specifically THESE. Oh and this VIDEO. Taylor Swift fan or not, promise me you'll watch it because it's about the cutest thing I've ever seen. I'm also digging this crown of flowers (which I'm wearing to the Suwanee Music Fest NEXT WEEK!!!!!! EEEEEEEEEEEE!), and then like ALL of these. I wear them almost every day. Perfecto. Oh, and last one- my teeny, tiny sweet initial necklace found here. Mine says "R." #highschoolsweethearts :)
- I'm burned out. Like, light bulb off.... shades down, BURNT OUT. This past week every single one of my kids (aside from Rosie) has been sick. We've had the pukes, fevers, coughs... basically everything. And its been exhausting. I am so, so very tired.
- We booked another Disney vacation for September. Hello, we are the McKenney's and we have a problem. We need an intervention. But when its 2 hours away, and SO attainable- like RIGHT HERE, its hard to stay away!
- This summer Ryan and I are traveling to Utah to see the lavender fields.... in November we're going to Ecuador. (all of it, paid for by Young Living). I am still wrapping my head around this. We don't travel. Like, we aren't those kind of people... what...how??? But Lordy are we excited!
- I don't want to do tomorrow. Can we skip Monday?
I'll leave y'all with this, as its kind of been the theme of my life lately:
I will ALWAYS stand back up. Always.
Goodnight friends :)
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