A good friend of mine (Cheryl) and I were talking (via facebook) and just catching up on things when she mentioned that her nephew was born with Trisomy 3- I had heard of Trisomy 18 but not 3... apparently its very much like Trisomy 18 but "is compatible with life." Cheryl gave me her sisters blog address so I could check it out more... I spent the good part of Tuesday night bawling my eyes out- but not just out of sadness for their family, out of complete awe at the strength and faith that little Witt's parents have. I linked her blog to mine so that I can continue catching up with Witt's condition. And even though I can't relate to the struggles and crises that she faces on a daily basis, it's very inspirational to just read. I urge you to checkIT out.
Also, I'm sure most of you have seen this, but it was new to me on Tuesday night. After talking with Cheryl for awhile about Trisomy disorders she told me to look on youtube for the video "99 Balloons." WOW is all I have to say. Apparently it was on Oprah (so like I said, I'm sure you've seen it). But if you haven't you HAVE TO WATCH IT. It might make you cry hysterically- and your husband may question your sanity, but its worth it. It's beautiful. Plain & simple.
I'm not sure how to put a video ON my blog but here's the link...
99 Balloons
Wow, I was not prepared for so much emotion tonight. I looked through the blog and just watched 99 balloons. My heart is aching for these two families:( And to think I had been complaining earlier because Iris had been crying too much. Never again will I complain about such ridiculous things. Those 2 stories put a lot in perspective for me and reminded me of God's goodness. Thanks for sharing Ashley.
I SAW THAT 99 BALLOONS WITH Nick when drew was a month old and we both BAWLLED OUR EYES OUT!!!!
yeah that video is amazing. I mean its horrible to watch and imagine, but it's so beautiful! I want Ryan to watch it but he's really hesitant to right now with the baby being born in a few weeks.
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