Monday, August 18, 2008

Lumps And Tears :(

Yesterday was quite the eventful day here at the McKenney household.

Around 3 or so Ryan started noticing this lump on his neck- he kept saying "Ash you gotta feel this!" I was grossed out by it and kept shrugging it off... Well Ryan, who is completely not a doctor-goer, starts saying "Ash something is really wrong with my neck!" Sure enough, in like an hour, the whole right side of his face was really swollen! I was flipping out like a mad woman... "Can you breathe? Can you swallow? Are you allergic to something??" It was pretty bad. I MADE him call the nurse health line and ask about it- they said to take some tylenol and see if the swelling goes down- if it doesn't, see a doc. So we waited... it didn't go down, in fact, today its about the same size. But I can't convince him to see a doc. Jeez if it were me I would be strapped in an ambulance with an IV drip. So send a prayer Ryan's way! Poor guy looks like I punched him in the neck or something...

To end the day, I was giving Maeve a bath and she was doing her normal standing up, walking around the tub thing which makes me incredibly nervous... but as much as I try and make her sit, shes a strong willed kid- she screams and flails, so 99% of the time, she is standing and I am holding her with one arm and washing her with the other. Last night however, I had a hold of one of her arm and she slipped, and caught her chin on the tub... ohhhhh LORD. It was a nightmare. She had bit her tongue with her brand new, very sharp teeth!!!!!!!!!! It was bleeding pretty good- and I reacted in a SO not mom way- I grabbed her and was holding her, but at the same time closing my eyes and yelling for Ryan. (thankfully he was there b/c I totally freeze up in those kind of situations) He ran in, picked her up and I stayed sitting on the bathroom floor with my eyes closed, shouting, "Are her teeth still there??? Did she knock a tooth out? Did she chunk off her tongue?" "Does she need stitches?" THANK THE LORD she is fine :) 2 teeth- still there and a fully intact tongue... with a little cut on the tip of it. But after a long day, it totally sent Maeve over the edge and the only consolable thing we could do was give her a bottle and rock her to sleep... which I did. Then I told Ryan that she needed to sleep with us because I was afraid her tongue would open up in the middle of the night and she'd choke on blood or something... rationally I knew this couldn't happen but I thought it was a good excuse to cuddle with the bug :) Ryan agreed.... hahaha... Maeve ended up going to her room around 11 or so, but it was heavenly holding her while she slept for a few hours. When she was first born I used to study her while she slept- and to this day I still do- of course not as often, but whenever I get the chance to just watch her, I do. I can't get over her perfection...

So that was our day... Oh and prayers for Ryans lump would be appreciated! haha he is going to kill me for posting this...


k and j said...

I am prayig for his lump ;) Haha. I am glad Maeve is okay. So, our kids are twins!!! Griff WILL NOT sit in the tub AT ALL. He stands the entire time! Hahahaahahaha. Funny stuff....I miss you!

Russ and Karen Gaston said...

Hi Ashley! Amber Halmekangas (Callison) just gave me your blog address. You rock with this whole blogging thing! Its nice to see what you've been up to outside of judging gymnastics. Can't wait for the season to start. Feel free to check out our blog too!