Sunday, October 21, 2012

the rundown (and getting on with life)

WARNING:  This will be the most poorly written post you will ever read. 

Holy kazooooooo.

The past 72 hours.

Here's the rundown:

Tuesday, October 16
  • felt a little achy (especially in my back), hot and like I was coming down with the flu. I had missed work on Monday, so I thought I should make a quick trip to the walk in; Remember Henry man was just going through this same thing... a fever, achy (I imagine) and his doctor said if you catch the flu early enough it can be treat with tamiflu (who knew?) I was thinking I'd get a shot of that, or dose; however they give it to you and be feeling better by Wednesday.
  • I should've known that a UTI was guaranteed. It always is. With the aches and low fever, the doctor said it could either be a kidney infection or a UTI/flu combo. Either way, I had to be on antibiotics. He prescribed Macrobid. I took it twice a day until Thursday night.
Thursday, October 18
  • I was hit with something. It was the equivalent of running into a brick wall. The shakes, aches, sweats and fever had returned ten fold. I was also coughing a ton and my chest felt tight. (I think I posted on facebook that night, soliciting medical advice about the cough- what's new?)
Friday, October 19
  • Around 5 am, I started vomiting. To this moment I'm not sure what brought the vomiting on; whether it was the coughing, the infection, or the freaking flu....I have no idea.
  • The kids were up early Friday. And I lounged on the couch, not eating or drinking anything because of the nausea. I was thinking about all of the things on my "to do" list; mailing out packages (ahem, ebay selling maniac <---right here), a phone "meeting," and the ever promised pumpkin patch. We had been telling Maeve all week, Friday would be the day we'd go pick out our pumpkins. Anywho, my mind was in a state of denial about how awful I felt. And my body was physically amped up to go.
  • Around 9 AM or so, I had vomited so many times my heart was beating at an insane rate, skipping beats, throwing in some extra ones... delightful stuff! I called my mom and said "Hey, could you come over and pick me up? I need to go to the doctor but I am so dizzy and lethargic. I don't think I can drive myself there." Thirty minutes later, with all 3 littles dressed and ready to go, I'm standing over the garbage disposal puking. I called my mom back, "Um Mom? Where are you?" Her response: "I thought you were joking. You're really sick?"
  • At that moment I just wanted my kids in someone elses hands... I was starting to panic, thinking of horrible catastrophes, like, what if I pass out and my kids are alone in the house? Would Maeve know how to call my mom?
  • From this point on things are kind of a haze. I got the kids in the car and drove them to the doctor. We sat in the parking lot, waiting for my mom to arrive, I, opening the door on occasion to vomit. The kids were totally oblivious. Even Maeve! So strange... but grateful for that. When mom got there, she said something like "Good Lord Ashley, I'm so sorry I didn't know you were really sick!" And that was that. We switched keys (she took my van, I was planning on driving her honda home) and I stumbled into the doctor.
  • I should have gone to the ER... I know this now. But at the time, I thought I was going to get a shot for nausea, maybe some stronger antibiotics, something, and ya know, our Friday would continue on its normal Friday path of awesomeness. Long story short, (this is SO embarrassing) they set me up in a room and the doctor was immediately in to see me. He examined me for a minute, watched me throw up and said (in a not creepy way at all! He's like a surfer dude) "Babe, I'm direct admitting you to the hospital." One of the nurses got me a blanket (doctors offices have blankets?!) and arranged garbage cans around my head. I heard the doctor say, "Hey keep that door propped open so we can keep an eye on her!" I heard him on the phone with the hospital staff, "McKenney. Female. Pyelonephritis." I was so delirious and dizzy. And SO thankful for the awesome doctor staff at Healing Arts. They let me lay in that room until a bed opened up on the 7th floor (about 30 minutes) and then a nurse drove my moms car from the office (which is pretty much adjacent) to the hospital.
  • I was registered, and put in a wheelchair. I called my mom and Ryan, and explained what was going on. I was panicking.
  • Just as I was being taken up to my room a family friend of ours, Paula, magically (and I mean magically!) appeared at my side! I was so relieved to see her. I knew my mom couldn't be there because she was with the kids. Ryan was on his way, but had a drive coming from Jacksonville, and my dad was in the middle of his teaching day at school.
  • I got to my room and Miss Paula helped me into my gown and onto the bed. For the first 10 or 15 minutes it was a complete frenzy. My heart rate was out of control; which one of the nurses stated to another nurse, which made me even more nervous. They were trying to get an IV in me but I had dried out, become so dehydrated SO fast, my veins were collapsing. Paula held whichever hand they weren't working on and prayed with me.
  • Like I said, this part was such a haze; I'm not sure how long it took or what specifically happened, but after lots of poking and manipulating, I had an IV and a heart monitor. I was hooked to fluids and given a shot for nausea. Feeling 100 times better after just receiving that little bit, I perked up for my ultrasound.
  • The tech saw Lord knows how many stones (really, I can't remember how many she pointed out and measured) but that wasn't what was causing the pain. None of the stones were stuck or lodged; they were free floating in my kidneys.
  • A bit after the ultrasound, the floor doc came in and gave me the official diagnosis: Hydronephrosis and Pyelonephritis. Or, fluid surrounding my infected kidneys.
  • IV antibiotics were started
  • cath was placed (hell)
So that's basically it.

I was treated for two days/nights with fluids and antibiotics and a few shots of pain meds.

I slurped on jello.

I watched way.too.many.lifetime movies (I didn't know that was possible!)

I was poked 40000 times.

I cried for my kids and my bed but then I'd think about My Sisters Keeper (that horribly, AWFUL sad movie) and realized my pity parties were truly pitiful.  I had a stupid kidney infection.  There are kids who live in hospitals with cancer and other awful diseases.   (It's all about perspective! :)

I went on a dilaudid Amazon shopping spree. 

I downloaded some good sleepy music to help me through the nights.

I got a beautiful orchid from my grandma along with some awesome reading material.

Hubbs smuggled in Paneras for me.  And got me a book I've been wanting for some time now.  (off topic, sort of,  but if you're looking for a good read, check out Miss Peregrine's Home For Peculiar Children.  It's such an eerie book, but completely captivating!  Loving it... ;)

Today they pulled the cath out, and declared me good to go!  I'm still on oral antibiotics, but I feel 100000 times better. 

I'm anxious to get this weekend out of my head and into the past.....

.....and getting on with life:

I'm excited for Halloween with my weenies!!!  I think we're set on costume ideas;  Maeve- Dorothy.  Henry- Superman.  Stella- Spider.  Aside from Maeve's dress, we're goin' homemade this year!

While in the hospital I had a lot of free time to wander the Internet... I found a sweet tutorial on making soy candles.  I think I'm going to try and make some....

I want to try this ranch meatloaf recipe I found on pinterest this week.

We are going to the PUMPKIN PATCH at some point here... ;)

My cousin's wedding is this coming weekend.

There is so much to look forward to, (yes, even a simple meatloaf) and so much to be thankful for.  I'm still aching a bit, and feeling a little out of it (assuming its from some meds that are still in my system).

But mostly, I'm just ready to move on.  I'm ready to pick up where I left off.  Do what I do;  being a mother. 

Thank you guys for all the messages and texts, prayers and thoughts.  They are truly, truly appreciated.

Ashley ;)


The Gray Family said...
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The Gray Family said...
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The Gray Family said...

what is the recipe you found for the soy candles?! i found one too but i want to see if it is simliar to yours...

and awful story in the hospital - thankful you are out!!!